Deposit calculator online

Калькулятор депозита онлайн Calculators

Free online deposit calculator (contribution) allows you to independently calculate the income on the deposit depending on the interest rate and term of the deposit. Calculate the profitability of your deposit in just 30 seconds on our simple bank deposit calculator.

Deposit calculator

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Now a little theory about deposits, investments and interest…

A deposit is a sum of money transferred to a bank for the purpose of receiving a constant income in the form of interest. Interest is stipulated in advance in the contract and is accrued monthly or annually. A deposit is a broader concept of a contribution. A deposit can be cash, securities, precious metals or property. A deposit only includes cash. A deposit may not always generate income; sometimes it is simply placed in a bank for safekeeping.

So, in simple terms, a deposit is a bank account where you can put money at interest and then withdraw it.

Deposits come in the following types:

  • Poste restante
  • Fixed-term deposits
  • Cumulative

Accrued interest on the deposit can be withdrawn monthly, or can be reinvested, thereby increasing the deposit amount and total income. This is also taken into account by our calculator when calculating.

To calculate a deposit, enter the amount of the deposit you are going to make into the calculator. Specify the interest rate and the term of the deposit. Also, do not forget to choose whether the interest will be capitalized or the accrued interest will be withdrawn periodically.

Capitalization of interest is the so-called compound interest, when each interest payment will be added to the principal amount of the deposit, and the next income will be calculated from the initial amount and from the accrued interest.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
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